Monday, January 21, 2019

A portable way to do background checks

I have always thought about being able to dig up info on people when I'm out in public... Like, you're at a party and some dude hits on you, and you want to know if you're dealing with a genuinely classy guy or a total skeez before you give him privy info...or you are talking about needing a sitter for your kids for that upcoming 3 day concert you're interested in, but you just dont know if you can trust your uncle's best friends cousin. Look. We've all been there. I found an app that you download to your phone ( that allows you to not ONLY take your background checks to go... But also will check in on your contacts, give you info on numbers who call you and risks associated with them, and keep you updated on the people in your life. If you are interested in being "in-the-know" when it comes to our new technological lifestyles, get the app. to